Sunday, April 6, 2014

Things to do with extra time on your hands...

It's been a little slow around the shop after a busy couple months. Slow time gives me time to play around with some ideas and busy times leave lots of wood scraps laying about. So, i made myself new custom case for my ipod. 

Music is something i consider essential while working in the shop. I usually work alone so it helps drown out the loud noises and helps keep my mind open and not too focused on o e particular thing. I also like having a soundtrack to my projects. 

For this little guy i took some 3/16" maple used for cabinet backs and some 3/8" maple strips that i couldn't bare to throw away and glued them up with the help of a few pin nails. You can't see it in this picture but before i glued the face down i lined the inside with some fabric from my rag box. I think it was one of my wife's old shirts. 

After it was dry i sanded it up snice and used some left over stain and top coat for protection. Cutting out the holes for the screen and circular bottom was the hardest part. Tried once with a jig saw and basically destroyed it. Wound up using a coping saw for a finer cut. 

And there it is. My own custom case. The top is open so i can just slip the ipod out if it needs charging. 

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